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Secondary Transition

About The Secondary Transition Strand

This professional development initiative is aimed at developing and implementing tools and processes to aid teachers in delivering effective specially designed instruction to improve the postsecondary outcomes for learners with disabilities. 

When a student with an IEP enters the Secondary Transition planning process, there is a shift in the focus of the IEP. We begin to look at and intentionally plan for postsecondary outcomes in the areas of living, learning and working. The postsecondary expectations (PSEs) are the core of the IEP planning process. The IEP team uses the PSEs to guide the development of the IEP to address the student’s plans for life beyond high school. With a focus on outcomes, the IEP team can identify what instruction may be needed, as well as identifying any services, supports or linkages that the student may need for postsecondary success. Ultimately, each student should leave high school with a plan for reaching their postsecondary goals.

Secondary transition (in Iowa) is an ongoing planning process that begins prior to the student turning 14 years old and focuses on the six critical elements:

  1. Student preferences and interests
  2. Age appropriate transition assessments
  3. Post-secondary expectations for living, learning, and working
  4. Course of Study
  5. Annual goals
  6. Services and supports

Courses in Secondary Transition