Specially Designed Instruction
The Role of Specially Designed Instruction
A learner eligible for special education services in Iowa is entitled to Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) at no cost to the family, to meet his/her unique needs as a learner with a disability. This includes adapting as appropriate to the needs of the individual learner, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address his/her unique needs that result from a disability and to ensure access to the general curriculum, so that he/she can meet the educational standards that apply to all children (IAC 41.39).
Iowa’s SDI Framework is intended to engage educators and families in diagnosing, designing, and delivering special education services to best meet the needs of learners 3-21 with disabilities and a range of educational needs. “Special Education” means Specially Designed Instruction.
Therefore, the courses and modules listed under this focus area, including learning packages and related resources, are designed to support the IDEA-DA initiative. Trainers may also utilize these courses to meet (other) identified needs of various stakeholder groups.
Explore our Specially Designed Instruction Strands
Learn about Specially Designed Instruction
The following foundational beliefs are of key importance as we work together to improve our special education outcomes, services, and SDI for our learners here in Iowa:
- Learners receiving special education services are general education learners first and always.
- Highly effective special education services and outcomes are dependent on highly effective Universal Instruction and a school-wide intervention system.
- Effective SDI is designed through collaboration between families and highly qualified educators.
- SDI is delivered by special education and general education teachers and professionals in various settings across the day.
- The state and local standards, competencies, and expectations in all domains that apply to each learner drive the diagnosis, design, and delivery of SDI.
- Highly effective SDI flows from high-quality and specific assessment information.
- SDI supports learners to use tools, materials, and strategies to access Iowa Core Standards and reach grade-level aligned goals.
- SDI helps learners to address their unique needs as a result of the individual’s disability.