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Iowa Professional Learning Unique to Special Education
Focus Areas
ACHIEVE System for Special Education
Early Intervention (Ages 0 to 3)
Special Education (Ages 3 to 21)
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)
Accessibility Statement
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Focus Areas
ACHIEVE System for Special Education (Ages 3-21)
Early Intervention
Special Education
Specially Designed Instruction
ACHIEVE: Secondary Transition
Developing Quality IEPs
Early Childhood Special Education
IEP Essentials, Processes and Resources
Occupational Therapy Services
Physical Therapy Services
Secondary Transition
Social Emotional Behavior
Speech Language Services
System Overview
"How To" Basics of ACHIEVE
ACHIEVE MODULE: Secondary Transition
ACHIEVE Training for Nurses
Behavior Principles Overview
Best Practices in Evaluation AEA
Best Practices in Evaluation LEA
Best Practices in IEP Development: Goal Writing and Graphing
Best Practices in IEP Development: PLAAFP
Best Practices in IEP Development: Services +
BIP (Behavior Intervention Planning)
Child and Family Outcomes
Child and Family Outcomes
Child Development (Birth to 36 months)
Child Development (Three to Five)
Child Development Professional Learning Package
Connecting Early Childhood Outcomes to the IFSP and IEP PK Process
Course 1: SDI Framework in Secondary Transition
Course 1: SDI K-6 Literacy
Course 1A: SDI- Coaching Self Assessment (CSA)
Course 2: SDI K-6 Literacy
Course 2a: Foundations of Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Secondary Transition
Course 2b: Foundations of Career-Connected Learning (CCL) in Secondary Transition
Course 2b: Module 1 Connecting to a Multi Tiered System of Support
Course 2b: Module 1 Connecting to a Multi Tiered System of Support
Course 2b: Module 2 Awareness
Course 2b: Module 2 Awareness
Course 2b: Module 3 Collaboration
Course 2b: Module 3 Collaboration
Course 2b: Module 4 Impact
Course 2b: Module 4 Impact
Course 2c: Module 1 Awareness
Course 2c: Foundations of Postsecondary Education Preparation (PSEP) in Secondary Transition
Course 2c: Module 2 Collaboration
Course 2c: Module 3 Impact
Course 3: SDI K-6 Literacy
Course 4: SDI K-6 Literacy
Course 5: SDI K-6 Literacy
Course 6: SDI K-6 Literacy
Developing Quality IEPs and Best Practices: Understanding the Five Phases of the IEP
Developing Quality IEPs and Best Practices: Understanding the Five Phases of the IEP
Early ACCESS ACHIEVE Professional Learning Package
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Professional Learning Package
Early Childhood Outcomes Process (ECTA modules)
Early Childhood Outcomes Process (ECTA modules)
Evaluation/Assessment using RIOT (includes reevaluation and routines)
Evaluation/Assessment using RIOT (includes reevaluation and routines)
FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment)
How to Basics
IDEA - DA Secondary Transition
IEP Essentials, Processes and Resources
IEP Essentials, Processes and Resources
Iowa Transition Model
Meaningful Participation
Mini Module: Self-Directed Reading
Mini Module: Using the Communication Matrix Creatively
Mini Module: Cycled Universal Tier Literacy Instruction
Mini Module: DLM Instructionally Embedded Assessments
Module #1 - Secondary Transition Overview
Module #1: Connecting to a Multi Tiered System of Support
Module #2: Awareness in CTE
Module #2: SDI Framework for Secondary Transition
Module #3: Application of the SDI Framework for Secondary Transition
Module #3: Collaboration for CTE
Module #4: Impact in CTE
Module #4: SDI FIT
Module 1: Overview - Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities
Module 1.11: Teaching Communication During Daily Routines and Activities
Module 1.12: Teaching Communication During Academic Instruction
Module 1.13: Shared Reading
Module 1.14: Predictable Chart Writing
Module 1.15: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness
Module 1.16: Independent Reading
Module 1.17: Independent Writing
Module 10: Universal Tier Comprehensive Literacy Instruction
Module 11: Literacy Interventions within Universal Tier Instruction
Module 12: Universal Core Vocabulary
Module 13: Beginning Communicators
Module 14: Aided Language Input
Module 15: Supporting Individual Access to the Universal Core
Module 16: SMART Communication Partner Strategies
Module 17: Introduction: Text Comprehension Strategies Aligned to Student Level of Communicative Independence
Module 18: Robust Vocabulary
Module 19: Shared Reading
Module 2: Interprofessional Collaborative Teaming
Module 2.1: Course Overview: Interprofessional Collaborative Teaming for SDI Language, Communication and Literacy Interventions
Module 2.10: Unstructured Shared Reading
Module 2.11: Structured Shared Reading
Module 2.12: Text Referencing and Alphabet Instruction
Module 2.13: Anchor-Read-Apply
Module 2.14: Iowa's Early Literacy Alternative Assessment
Module 2.15: Introduction to MTSS Intensification of Language, Communication, and Literacy Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities
Module 2.16: Driving the CAR "All Day Long"
Module 2.17: Driving the CROWD in the CAR "All Day Long"
Module 2.18: Descriptive Teaching
Module 2.2: Introduction to Collaborative Teaming
Module 2.3: IDOE SETT for Language, Communication and Literacy
Module 2.4: IDOE RIOT/SCIL Matrix for Language, Communication and Literacy
Module 2.5: "APT" Augmentative and Alternative Communication Planning Tool
Module 2.6: A Pathway to Communication and Language Access
Module 2.7: Assessing Participation for Students with Significant Disabilities
Module 2.8: Introduction to Text Comprehension Strategies Aligned to Student Level of Communicative Independence
Module 2.9: Robust Vocabulary
Module 20: Unstructured Shared Reading
Module 21: Structured Shared Reading
Module 22: Text Referencing and Alphabet Instruction
Module 23: Anchor-Read-Apply
Module 24: Teaching Communication During Daily Routines and Activities
Module 25: Teaching Communication During Academic Instruction
Module 26: Predictable Chart Writing
Module 27: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness
Module 28: Independent Reading
Module 29: Independent Writing
Module 3: Iowa Literacy Observation Tool - Scoring
Module 30: Iowa's Early Literacy Alternate Assessment
Module 31: Introduction to MTSS Intensification of Language, Communication and Literacy for SWSD
Module 32: Driving the CAR "All Day Long"
Module 33: Driving the "CROWD in the CAR" All Day Long
Module 34: Descriptive Teaching
Module 4: IDOE SETT for Language, Communication & Literacy Considerations
Module 5: IDOE RIOT/SCIL Matrix for Language, Communication and Literacy Instruction Module
Module 6: Iowa Literacy Observation Tool - Data-Based Decision Making
Module 7: "APT" Augmentative and Alternative Communication Planning Tool
Module 8: A Pathway to Communication and Language Access
Module 9: Assessing Participation for Students with Significant Disabilities
Onboarding a "New" Leadership Team
Optional: ECO Matrix, PLOD, and ECO Decision Tree
Optional: ECO Matrix, PLOD, and ECO Decision Tree
Pivotal Skills Tool Orientation Training
PK to K Transition
Preschool Evaluation and ECO Matrix
Preschool for New Special Education Teachers
Preschool PLAAFP and ECO Decision Tree
Preschool Services and LRE/Reg EC Program Documentation
Progress Monitoring (Includes Periodic Meeting vs Review)
Progress Monitoring (Includes Periodic Meeting vs. Review)
SDI K6 Literacy Data Retreats (Fall, Winter, Spring)
SDI Literacy SD - Digging Deeper
SDI Literacy SD: Mini-Modules
SDI Sig Dis Coaching
SEB Overview
SEB Overview Optional Training
SEB Overview Webinar
Secondary Transition
Secondary Transition for ACHIEVE
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 0.5
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 1
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 2
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 3
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 4
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 5
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 6
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 7
SLP New Hire Training Speech Course Module 8
Specially Designed Literacy Instruction (SDI) for Students with Significant Disabilities
Transition from Early ACCESS to Special Education
Transition from Early ACCESS to Special Education
Transition from Early ACCESS to Special Education